Sailing test Club - Running Events
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Running Events:    Sailing test Club

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Sailing test Club Group


Sailing test Club is a member of the Sailing Demo network of groups.
Increase the number of Events

Many clubs rely to some extent on the income from the social diary to contribute to their budget, event orgaisers have to promote events, encourage members to join and manage the attendance.


ActiivityForum has a EVENTS MANAGEMENT function built into the system, once an event is added you can e-mail details to all members of your club, you can display details of all the people that have reserved a place. Displaying this infomation to club members encourages others to added themselves to the list.


Once the list starts to build you can send e-mails to only those members that have booked on the event, this can be used for detail travel plans, last minute changes, chasing late payers.


We provide details how to include the headline description of events into your own website, this significatly reduces the amount of time managing your events online as only those with dates in the future will be displayed see Social Club

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