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LIST OF NETWORKS (108 Networks) View Class

Network Cluster (ID)
Live Groups
Arch. Groups
Live Contacts
Arch. Contacts
Date DD Enabled
Group Descr. Length
Edit Network View Network   1 to 1 Tutors (93) 2 - 3 1 - 255
Edit Network View Network   A Sports Association (13) - 10 28 6 - 255
Edit Network View Network   Absolutely Offices (28) - 44 238 19 - 255
Edit Network View Network   Activist Network (115) 1 - 1 - - 255
Edit Network View Network   ActivityForum - Marketing (58) 3 2 889 13 - 255
Edit Network View Network (8) - - - - - 255
Edit Network View Network   AIVC (9) 34 49 1577 3189 - 255
Edit Network View Network   AJ Herbals (92) 1 - 1 1 - 255
Edit Network View Network   Alumni Society (29) 3 1 5 1 - 255
Edit Network View Network   Archives and Records Assoc (109) 1 - 1 - - 255
Edit Network View Network   Avask Accounting Consultants (113) - 1 2 - - 255
Edit Network View Network   Aylesbury Choral Society (88) - 1 128 2 - 255
Edit Network View Network   Basingstoke Hub (18) 23 16 274 18 - 255
Edit Network View Network   Basingstoke Transition Town (77) 1 - 1 1 - 255
Edit Network View Network   Basingstoke Voluntary Services (34) 1 - 2 - - 255
Edit Network View Network   Baso Creatives (112) 1 - 1 - - 255
Edit Network View Network   BBC Yacht Club (16) - 8 890 253 - 255
Edit Network View Network   Blades (48) - - - - - 255
Edit Network View Network   Boyn Hill Berks Hub (76) - - - - - 255
Edit Network View Network   Braywick Heath (46) 1 - 5 3 - 255
Edit Network View Network   Briconomics (30) - 28 16266 680 - 255
Edit Network View Network   British Humanists (101) 1 - 1 - - 255
Edit Network View Network   Burton Rugby Football Academy (79) - - - - - 255
Edit Network View Network (108) 5 - 139 648 - 255
Edit Network View Network   Campaign Group (22) 7 8 703 58 - 255
Edit Network View Network   Civic Society (99) - - - - - 255
Edit Network View Network   Civic Society - Berkshire (111) 1 - 220 74 - 255
Edit Network View Network   Club Hub (81) 1 - 3 1 - 255
Edit Network View Network   Clubs (1) 46 108 1945 524 - 255
Edit Network View Network   Community Trading (70) 1 1 148 53 - 255
Edit Network View Network   Community Hosting (67) 1 - 1 - - 255
Edit Network View Network   Community Hub (80) 11 - 364 164 - 255
Edit Network View Network   Corporation (10) 10 4 164 6 - 255
Edit Network View Network   Cultureseekers (104) 1 - 6 1 - 255
Edit Network View Network   Data-Jobs (37) - 1 2 - - 255
Edit Network View Network   Digital Issue (68) - 1 1 1 - 255
Edit Network View Network   Down Hill Only (Skiing) (57) - 1 1 - - 255
Edit Network View Network   Enquiring-Minds (83) 1 - - - - 255
Edit Network View Network   EURIM (15) - 5 9 - - 255
Edit Network View Network   Falmouth Sports Club Trial (55) - 4 8 - - 255
Edit Network View Network   Family Roots (100) - - - - - 255
Edit Network View Network   Family Roots (96) 1 - 1 - - 255
Edit Network View Network   Family Vote (39) 1 - 2 - - 255
Edit Network View Network   First Community Party (52) - 4 11 2 - 255
Edit Network View Network   Fleet Falcons Badminton (61) - 1 3 1 - 255
Edit Network View Network   ForseOfNature (107) 1 - 1 - - 255
Edit Network View Network   Global Retailers Forum (63) - 2 19 1 - 255
Edit Network View Network   Grey Vote (75) 6 1 18 1 - 255
Edit Network View Network   GTvoice (69) 1 - 8 4 - 255
Edit Network View Network   Guildford Rowing Club (90) - - - - - 255
Edit Network View Network   Guilford Rowing Club (89) - 1 307 468 - 255
Edit Network View Network   Hampstead Horticultural Soc (103) 1 - 96 36 - 255
Edit Network View Network   Hantswell (74) - 1 2 1 - 255
Edit Network View Network   Haringey (21) 6 8 57 4 - 255
Edit Network View Network   Health Care Projects (HCP) (31) - 2 66 1 - 255
Edit Network View Network   Husna Herbals (94) - 1 2 1 - 255
Edit Network View Network   I Love Windsor (66) 1 - 4 1 - 255
Edit Network View Network   IPF (73) 3 - 809 35 - 255
Edit Network View Network (85) 1 - 1 - - 255
Edit Network View Network   Kingwood (38) - 5 9 2 - 255
Edit Network View Network   Latin Quarter (23) - 1 1 - - 255
Edit Network View Network   LBConnect (59) - - - - - 255
Edit Network View Network   Livery Company (19) 5 4 257 52 - 255
Edit Network View Network   London Hub (114) 1 - 1 - - 255
Edit Network View Network   London Ind Photography (44) - 1 1 1 - 255
Edit Network View Network   Luckley Oakfield (11) 4 2 24 - - 255
Edit Network View Network   Maidenhead Arts Council (91) 49 3 323 118 - 255
Edit Network View Network   Maidenhead Local Plan (84) 8 1 343 574 - 255
Edit Network View Network   Make Space for Life (60) - 2 8 1 - 255
Edit Network View Network   MavricaXR - VR/AR Prototyping (87) 2 - 12 2 - 255
Edit Network View Network   Meetup (72) - 1 1 1 - 255
Edit Network View Network   MENSA (14) 9 - 46 5 - 255
Edit Network View Network   Molesey Boat Club (65) 1 2 460 1 - 255
Edit Network View Network   Neighbourhood Watch (12) 12 3 127 86 - 255
Edit Network View Network   NGLIS (32) - 1 202 594 - 255
Edit Network View Network   Nick Day (64) 1 - 1 1 - 255
Edit Network View Network   North London Horticultural Net (105) 1 - 9 3 - 255
Edit Network View Network   Old Welbexian Association (56) - 1 935 2 - 255
Edit Network View Network   Ponds Conservation (49) 2 - 162 2 - 255
Edit Network View Network   Pro-Referendum Rally (36) - 3 18 2 - 255
Edit Network View Network   Property Investors (41) 1 6 8 1 - 255
Edit Network View Network   Rapid Property Buyers (35) 4 15 1015 202 - 255
Edit Network View Network   Relocation (2) 407 631 1658 96 - 255
Edit Network View Network   Robert Clifford (106) 1 - 2 1 - 255
Edit Network View Network   RollaDome (62) 1 2 12 1 - 255
Edit Network View Network   Rowing Club (54) 1 - 149 2 - 255
Edit Network View Network   Royal Scottish Forestry Soc (27) - 2 6 1 - 255
Edit Network View Network   Sailing Demo (45) 1 2 584 8 - 255
Edit Network View Network   Security SE (24) 1 1 3 - - 255
Edit Network View Network   SLOBS (50) 1 - 102 29 - 255
Edit Network View Network   Social Buddies (40) 1 - 73 81 - 255
Edit Network View Network   South End Green Association (110) - - - - - 255
Edit Network View Network   Southdowns Park Tenants Assc (42) - - - - - 255
Edit Network View Network   Splash Global (71) 1 - 2 - - 255
Edit Network View Network   Square Rigger Club (47) 1 7 166 14 - 255
Edit Network View Network   Sussex County Arts (25) 1 - 1 1 - 255
Edit Network View Network   System (7) 1 - 7 111 - 255
Edit Network View Network   The Exercise Club (51) 1 - 2 - - 255
Edit Network View Network   Totally Tennis (26) 1 4 8 1 - 255
Edit Network View Network   U3A (98) 2 - 9 1 - 255
Edit Network View Network   Voluntary Action (102) 4 1 25 1 - 255
Edit Network View Network   Walkers (43) 1 1 5 - - 255
Edit Network View Network   WMVCS (17) - - - - - 255
Edit Network View Network   Womens Institute (86) 1 - 75 3 - 255
Edit Network View Network   World Institute of Pain (33) 35 20 5040 1766 - 255
Edit Network View Network   Young Engineers (97) - 1 2 - - 255
Edit Network View Network   ZZ Arch Bric (82) 38 73 18838 567 - 255
Edit Network View Network   zzz (78) - - - - - 255

Colour settings for a Group
Types of group e.g. charity, commercial or members club etc
Groups, Membership
Method of payment or receipt (e.g. cash, cheque, credit card or Payment Gateway etc)
Groups, Membership
Type of payment or receipt (e.g. subscription, donation, sale etc)
Types of committee e.g. Standing (Permanent), Advisory (Temporary)
Committee title e.g. Executive Committee, Policy Committee
Source of contact (e.g. Email, leaflet, Newspaper, Facebook, Web Site etc)
List of Positions / Roles that can be linked to Groups Class
Collective name for a range of related Activity Types e.g. activities, newsletter
Collective name for a range of related Activities e.g. sports, social, culture, newsletter
A specific kind of activity e.g. football, pub night, meal out, Newsletter etc
NEWSLETTER - links Newsletter/Subscription List in the activity table to one or more groups.
(Normally managed by the "Mailing List Setup" in the Membership tab)
Vulgarity defines words that cannot be used in any Forum post and should be redacted out
Groups, Events
Title of location region e.g. Midlands, South East (NOT USED)
Groups, Events
Country of location e.g. UK, France, Germany etc
Groups, Events
Continent of location e.g. Europe, North America, South America etc
Mailing Label types and details
Groups, Membership
Contact type (Personal or Corporate) plus Group link type (Peer or Subsidiary)
General ActivityForum settings
Team Roles (NOT USED)
Team Sub-Roles (NOT USED)
Team Types (NOT USED)
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