A Selection of North Hampshire Community Magazines

If you are looking for details of all the local community magazines in the North Hampshire area, then visit the web site for "from the smallest seed" at the address below.
The site contains sample magazines and information on pricing for adverts plus how to submit articles.
Magazines listed:
The Basinga, Basingstoke Town Football Club, The Brighton Bell, Hampshire Fare Directory, Loddon Valley Link, The Norden News, The Bramley Magazine, The Harrow Way, The Link, The Rabbitter, Tadley Today, The View Magazine, The Villager, Winklebury Word
Kempshott Kourier

Community Magazine for residents in the Kempshott area of Basingstoke Hampshire.
The Kempshott Kourier web site can be found at:
Contributions are welcome to the magazine. Please email the Editor is you wish to submit or discuss an article or if you have any queries or any links are not working. The editor can be contacted by email at editor@kempshottkourier.co.uk
The webpage has been set up to compliment the Kempshott Kourier, this is a monthly newsletter that is delivered free of charge to every household in Kempshott. This is 3150 households. If you would like to advertise in the Kempshott Kourier, then please contact:
Hatch Warren Rabbiter

A monthly community magazine for residents in the Hatch Warren and Beggerwood areas of Basingstoke, Hampshire.
The Hatch Warren Rabbiter website can be found at:
Editor: Jenny Crawford Tel:01256 364378 Email: editor@therabbiter.biz
Advertising Manager: Ian Crossley Tel: 01256 880770 Email: advertising@therabbiter.biz
Distribution Manager: Glyn Rutherford Tel: 01256 812564 Email: distribution@therabbiter.biz
Newsdesk: Livvy Ramsden Email: newsdesk@therabbiter.biz
Brighton Bell

A community magazine issued four times a year to residents in the Brighton Hill area of Basingstoke, Hampshire. The magazine is issued in January, April, June and September.
Editor: Jane Crouch, 1 Russell Road, Basingstoke, Hants RG21 3EU
Tel: 01256 355113 Email: janedenniscrouch@btinternet.com
Chairman: Ian Edney, 73 Cumberland Avenue, Basingstoke, Hants RG22 4BQ
Tel: 01256 327657 Email: ianedney@rmplc.co.uk
Chineham Chat

A monthly community Magazine for Residents in Chineham on the northen outskirts of Basingstoke, Hampshire, in the South-East of England.
The Chineham Chat web site can be found at:
Dennis Clapp - Editor/ News Co-Ordinator Tel: 01256 472720 (editor@chinehamchat.com) - Comments on editorial content or submit an article\letter
Keith Shergold - Advertising Tel: 01256 467459 (adverts@chinehamchat.com) - All enquires regarding advertising
Mike Jarvis - Distribution Tel: 01256 819135 (distribution@chinehamchat.com) - All enquiries regarding delivery
Brookvale Blurb!

"Blurb!" is the Brookvale Community Association's newsletter which is distributed by our dedicated team of Street Reps to the entire Brookvale community.
The Brookvale Community Association web site can be found at:
The magazine has been published since July 2000 and continues to be the main source of local information for Brookvale residents in Basingstoke, Hampshire.
If you would like to make your voice heard across the community, or if you have any ideas for a regular article you would like to contribute, please contact the committee at info@brookvale.org.uk
Basinga - Old Basing

The Basinga is the parish magazine for Old Basing and Lychpit, is distributed free on the first of each month to all households in the parish. It contains the latest news from clubs and societies, a letter from one of our clergy, news from the councils, dates for your diary and useful contact numbers as well as ads from local tradespeople and businesses. A lot of the information on this website came from Basinga for which thanks are due.
The Basinga is run by a management committee of 12 volunteers who take it through all stages of production (apart from the printing which is outsourced) to publication and distribution. It is paid for by advertising revenue and voluntary donations. Copy deadline is normally the 10th of the month preceding publication.
All magazine contributions and advertising requests can be made via the website forms by accessing the appropriate drop down menus at the Basinga Magazine web site at:
Editor: editor@basinga.org.uk
For enquiries concerning articles for publication, copy deadlines etc.
Advertising Manager: advertising@basinga.org.uk
For enquiries re contract and classified ads, inserts and advertising charges.
Secretary: secretary@basinga.org.uk
For general enquiries.
Popley Matters

Community Magazine for residents in the Popley area of Basingstoke Hampshire. The Popley Matters web site can be found at:
Write an article for Popley Matters Magazine/website
We actively welcome your stories of you and your family or friends in Popley past or present. We also like to hear of events that are up and coming within your community group and items such as: news, announcements, poems, short stories and community group reports. The Editor will only print if you supply your name and contact address with the article, however your name and address may be withheld from the item at your request, we will, with mutual agreement sign it with a pseudonym. Articles that are not date sensitive may be put in a later addition you will be advised by the Editor. The editorial team reserve the right to edit any item but will seek to come to a mutual agreement. We do not print lewd or offensive material and actively seek to include the diversity of all of the residents of Popley.