Tuesday Clubnight
Club Night - Various Pubs and
Hotel Venues at 8.30pm
Come along on a Tuesday night from 8.30pm and find out what
events are being organised or use this as a chance to promote your own events to other members. This is a social event so you can arrive at any time through the evening to chat with friends and new members.
There will always be at least one committee member present
if you need to raise any issues.
On the 2nd and last Tuesdays of the month we usually meet at the Way Inn on
Chapel Hill near the Station. This can change on a month with 5 Tuesdays,
so be sure to check the What's On diary.
On the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of the month we meet at various venues around
Basingstoke and the surronding areas. You will need to check the What's On
diary to find out where we are meeting on these weeks.
Hosted by: The BNHIVC Committee
Wednesday - Walk for Health
See the bulletin diary for details of meeting
Time: 6.50pm
Welcome to the Basingstoke and Deane 'Walking the way to Health' scheme. Come and join us to get out and about, get fit and have fun. There are walks to suit everybody - why not come along and try one? The scheme operates throughout the Basingstoke and Deane area. It's free, gratis and for nothing.
Do you go to work during the day and become a couch
potato in the evenings? Would you like to improve your fitness, lose a little weight, sleep better or just want an alternative to going to the gym? Do you want to get out and meet new people? Why not join others wanting the same
benefits on a brisk evening walk for about an hour. The walks start at 7.00pm from different locations in Basingstoke on a rota basis, just turn up at 6.50pm
- there is no charge. The events below (with the meeting points) also appear in the main events diary for BNHIVC.
Basingstoke & Deane Events
For details about "Walk the way to Health" events in Basingstoke & Deane, see the local web site at the address
Sunday Badminton ClubBasingstoke Sports Centre
Badminton Club - Basingstoke Sports Centre @ 7.00pm
Join Bob and others at the Basingstoke Sports Centre Sunday Badminton Club. Play starts at 7.00pm until 9.00pm on 5 courts with shuttles supplied and Sports Centre racquets available if required. The Sunday Evening Badminton Club is a friendly bunch of mixed ability, for beginner and intermediate standards so is suitable for anyone. Ask for the Sunday badminton Club at the Sports Centre Reception ... all abilities are welcome.
Bob Clifford 07811 289586