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Basingstoke Cultural Forum Group


Basingstoke Cultural Forum is a member of the Campaign Group network of groups.
So what do we mean by Culture ?

(based on the definition of culture as set out in ‘Creating Opportunities’ [Department of Culture, Media and Sport DCMS 2000], the guidance for Local Cultural Strategies)

Culture is an inclusive concept that embraces a wide variety of activities, places, values and beliefs that contribute to a sense of identity and well-being for everyone in our communities. It is about our way of life and our quality of life.

The material dimension of Culture involves the following:
· the performing and visual arts, craft and fashion
· media, film, television, video and language
· museums, artefacts, archives and design
· libraries, literature, writing and publishing
· the built heritage, architecture, landscape and archaeology
· sports events, facilities and development
· parks, open spaces, wildlife habitats, water environment and countryside recreation
· children’s play, playgrounds and play activities
· tourism, festival and attractions
· informal leisure pursuits

The value dimension of Culture involves people in the following ways:
· relationships
· shared memories, experience and identity
· diverse cultural, religious and historic backgrounds
· standards
· what we consider valuable to pass on to future generations

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