Bob's Friends in Basingstoke - Health Walks
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Health Walks:    Bob's Friends in Basingstoke

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Bob's Friends in Basingstoke Group


Bob's Friends in Basingstoke is a member of the network of groups.

Walking for Health in Basingstoke

Welcome to the Basingstoke and Deane 'Walking the way to Health' scheme. Come and join us to get out and about, get fit and have fun. There are walks to suit everybody - why not come along and try one? The scheme operates throughout the Basingstoke and Deane area. It's free, gratis and for nothing.


Basingstoke & Deane Events
For details about "Walk the way to Health" events in Basingstoke & Deane, see the local web site at the address below:

National Web Site

For information about the Walk for Health programme, see the national web site at the address below:

Why Walk

The short answer is: walking is good for you and enjoyable.

'Walking the way to Health' aims to encourage people to become more active and therefore healthier through short, recreational health walks. Walking has been shown to be extremely beneficial to health and is one of the easiest types of exercise people can do. And it's cheap: in fact it costs precisely nothing! Compare that with the cost of gym membership.

Enjoy your local parks and open spaces, and improve your fitness, by joining the 'Walking the way to Health' scheme in Basingstoke and Deane. Led by volunteer leaders, the walks vary each week. They are non-competitive, everyone is welcome and all walks are free of charge.

Walk for health introduction

See the bulletin diary for details of meeting points.
Time: 6.50pm

Do you go to work during the day and become a couch potato in the evenings? Would you like to improve your fitness, lose a little weight, sleep better or just want an alternative to going to the gym? Do you want to get out and meet new people? Why not join others wanting the same benefits on a brisk evening walk for about an hour. The walks start at 7.00pm from different locations in Basingstoke on a rota basis, just turn up at 6.50pm - there is no charge. The events below (with the meeting points) also appear in the main events diary for BNHIVC.
BNHIVC Contact:  Bob Clifford 07811 289586 (

Health Walks Contacts

Basingstoke Walk for Health contacts are available on the local website at:

or contact the Health Improvement Officer Jane Wilding at the Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council below:

Jane Wilding
Health Improvement Officer
Neighbourhood Development Unit
Basingstoke & Deane Borough Council
Civic Offices London Road
Hampshire RG21 4AH

Tel: 01256 845574

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