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London Inter varsity club

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London IVC Group


London IVC is a member of the AIVC network of groups.
London IVC

London IVC
The London Intervarsity Club is one of the longest established social, cultural and activity clubs for graduates, professionals and those who share similar interests in the capital and has more activities per member than any similar organisation. With 400 members and more than 50 events per month, your only problem in IVC will be deciding in which events you wish to participate.
Being owned and managed by the members of whom there are hundreds rather than thousands we retain a genuine club-like atmosphere and new members easily integrate into the club. While many  pursue one or two particular interests there is always overlap between the different activies and even when you try a new activity it usually feels like being with friends of friends.

There are over 40 IVC clubs throughout England, Scotland and Wales with a total membership of around of 4,000 and these clubs have formed the Association of Intervarsity Clubs (AIVC). Some events, particularly weekends and holidays both in Britain and abroad, are often shared by the clubs.  In addition as a member of London IVC, should your job take you to any part of the UK reciprocal arrangements  allow you to continue your social life with another IVC club near you.

Run by the members for the members
London IVC is owned and managed by it's members and the majority of events are organised by the members themselves.  This means that the range of events you can take part in within London IVC is only limited by your own energy and imagination.




Contact information:
Email is the preferred form of contact. We will always get back to you but please bear in mind our committee members give their time on a voluntary basis and an immediate response won't always be possible.

Tel: 07716 628 507



Activities in London IVC

Our members join in a wide range of activies including dining out, wine-tasting in members' homes, country walking in the home counties, hiking weekends in the hills, evenings at the theatre, the concert hall and the opera, gallery visits, sailing yachts across the channel, tennis, badminton, swimming, and of course simply socialising in the pub.

All events are hosted by one or more members. Any member may organise an event including starting something new.

Activity-based weekends away are a particularly popular part of the Club's event programme.  There are weekends dedicated to sailing, some to Mountain and Moorland Walking, and several a year combine more than one activity e.g. walking and cycling in some of the finest locations around Britain.  Because we are a non-profit making club, they are organized at cost price, mostly by members, and are a good fun way to get better to know others within the club. We are often joined on these weekends by members of other IVC clubs around the country.

Special Interest Groups

Some activities have to be done with friends ...
Although there is even more choice of leisure activities these days, it is often the case that the best time is had when activities are shared with friends.  London IVC gives you the chance to expand your circle of friends and add new interests to your social life.

Wide range of social, leisure and sporting activities
London IVC has a varied programme of events ranging from watersports to walking weekends, theatre trips to dance classes.  Members may submit new events to the calendar at any time and these are normally approved very promptly.

London IVC is unique in that there is not only a wide range of activities in the programme, but for most activities there is a regular programme of events which caters both for novices and enthusiasts in that activity.   Members are free to participate in whichever events appeal to them most (subject in some cases to booking or limited numbers).

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