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Home:    Maidenhead - Woodcote

Maidenhead - Woodcote Group


Maidenhead - Woodcote is a member of the Neighbourhood Watch network of groups.
Reporting an illegally parked vehicle

 If you see a vehicle parked illegaly you can phone RBWM Parking and report the offender..

This is what you do.

Phone 01628 683800 use the second selection "Parking" leave details with them and they should take care of the rest.

WOODCOTE - Parking

The sign means that unless you have a Woodcote Parking Permit you CAN NOT park on the road here.

Residents are issued with Parking Permits for their vehicles by the resident coordinator who will also provide similar permits to householders for their visitors.

The local authority wardens will patrol the road and ticket any cars that do not display either the Vehicle Permit or the Visitor Permit are likely to be given a parking ticket.

Now its all changed what was a system managed by the residents of WOODCOTE is now in the hands of the council and we have to pay.

What's This?