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London IVC Group


London IVC is a member of the AIVC network of groups.

Beckenham & Bromley MYN Zoom Pub Evening

Wednesday 23 Feb 2022
20:00 to 23:00 
United Kingdom  

We hold two pub evenings a month on the first and third Wednesdays, with all the other Wednesdays being Zoom pub evenings. We normally have a monthly quiz on the last Wednesday of the month, during the Zoom evening, at about 9pm. The quiz uses five themes chosen by one of our members, with both the themes and the theme organiser being different for each month, but with all members each asking one question per theme on each of the themes.

This means that tonight is a Zoom pub evening but incorporating a quiz.

Contact Roland in advance, preferably by e-mail, so that he can send you a link to click on at the start of the meeting. Please note the different arrangements for the first and third Wednesdays of the month.

Contact: Host: Roland Lees (07761 265 390) (
How to find us: On Zoom - contact Roland in advance for link

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