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Home:    Maidenhead - Woodcote

Maidenhead - Woodcote Group


Maidenhead - Woodcote is a member of the Neighbourhood Watch network of groups.
2007 College Site

Town Hall debate on the planning permission on the college site. Since the college is almost bust and wants to raise money from the sale of the site to a developer the situation has changed somewhat.

As far as we can tell the plan is to build quite a large amount of  "Social Housing" as well as flats on the site. The debate is how much and of what type. It appears RBWM planners prefer family housing as its quite close to the local primary school, family in this case seems to be single mothers.

Other suggestions are for Essential Workers, this sort of excludes single mothers and benefits the Schools and Fire service.

College Redevelopment

Battle of Boyn Hill

Residents in Woodcote will have their rear gardens overlooked by the higher and more dominating buildings of the colleger development rather than the existing single and two-story structures that are there at the moment.

At the back of Woodcote is also the preserved building known as Boyn Hill House.

Residents have joined with others in the area to campaign to modify the planned buildings to keep them more in keeping with the existing fine houses in the area.

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