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Home: Grey Vote
Web Savvy At one end of the spectum stands US President Barack Obama an example of how a savvy use of social media can lead to politcal victory. Jeremy Hunt, Conservative Party Minister for culture, media and sport, and the public face of the Tories’ digital strategy, says: ‘Social media provide a fantastic outlet for us to build a new kind of relationship with voters.<br> Grassroots involvement To start your own group join this group and join in the debate on how grey vote can be a influence in todays difficult times.
Make yourself known Join in the debate from the management of local services to the mismanagment of pensions. Your vote counts only if its one of many cast with a common voice. Join with others to amplify your voice, make yourself known and make your presence felt. Money Saving Websites Check these ou before you go and buy Best discounts, sales and money off Network trading, pretty inventive This the Amazon price cut site Cashback on online purchases also try your banks affiliate marketing deals for flights The place Any more send an e-mail The New Old From The Times of Monday the 1st September, crash back
to reality. The New Old has emerged, last year the lastest "going out" was
"staying in" now the fashion fad is the new old defined as those born between
1945- 1965 still does that make them OLD. The Grey Army that was cancelled
after Gordon "TAX MAD" Brown could see that funding the enemy was not
the brightest idea Tony ever had. Grey vote
We in Grey Vote are an action group for those who have the
time and energy to continue to make a contribution. We feel that our knowledge
and skills are being ignored by the parties who believe (mistakenly) that only
the young should have a voice. Help bring your Grey Vote to the fore we need to be organised, join us in promoting the Grey Vote and their interests |
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