Sailing in Low Water
New ways are needed to support Community Volunteers this is a proof of concept pilot to design and test the effectiveness of a time credit based service that will encourage residents to volunteer or provide mutual support for those with unmet support needs. We envisage that a successful pilot that demonstrates sufficient impact and cost/benefit will provide opportunities for the successful bidder to scale the model up across other local areas and link them into a national network.
The the concept includes the proposals from organisations or partnerships who can demonstrate they can usefully embark upon the trial where they can learn what the system can do and propose changes to the system in this trial phase of development.:
- Deliver the initial proof of concept pilot
- Scale up and develop the model further over the longer term
This document sets out all information and requirements for
The requirements have been developed based on feedback from residents and those involved in the voluntary sector. Please click on the link on the right hand side of the page for set of questions and answers, which expand on some of the queries that have been made during this exercise.
Proof of Concept Pilot - Supporting Documents
Time Bank Models - This document provides an overview of a number of existing time bank models oriented towards providing care needs for older people. The time banks projects are based in the UK, with the exception of Fureai Kippu which is based in Japan. Each case study outlines the project, summarises the aims of the project and provides some key conclusions on the design and function of the model. A number of recommendations are provided at the end of section which highlight issues to consider in time banking.
Impact of Time Banks - This document outlines the reported benefits of time banks and evaluates their impact for individuals, communities and organisations.