Exeter IVC - User Guides
Group Logo Exeter IVC
Events Diary 

Event User Guides 

User Guides:    Exeter IVC

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Exeter IVC Group



Exeter IVC is a member of the AIVC network of groups.

ActivityForum User Guides - Events

This page contains the list of PDF User Guides for ActivityForum.

If you have any questions or need any help please e-mail info@activityforum.co.uk or telephone 01256 533188

Events Diary
Simply a list of future events taking place in this group or of interest to this group. For example, a rowing club might enter the relevant dates of the Regattas for which their rowers are entered and any other social events.

Events are automatically removed from the Events Diary display the day after the event has taken place. This is to ensure your Event List is not cluttered with past events.

However, if your group does not have at least two future events in your diary, then the last fifty events will be displayed. The system will retain all past events (unless they are deleted by a user) should they be required to to fill the diary if this happens.

Public Bookings by Non-Members
Depending on the settings for the club or group, event booking can either allow or deny non-member bookings. Where non-member bookings are allowed, the event booking process is integrated with the membership system.

In this case there will be a fee category with the "Event Booking" flag set on. This flag is used to indicate that the fee category will be associated with any non-member contact details entered through the event booking system. Only one fee category in a group can have the event booking flag set to on.

This enables the group's management to define the Fee Category and User Permissions that will be given to all new booking contacts (membership records) when they are added to the group records through the Event Booking System.

This means the Contact and Booking Details can be added by a non-member user only when the following conditions apply:

1. The event is set to have all details visible to the public
2. The event is set to allow on-line bookings
3. There is a fee category with the "Event Bookings" flag set to on.

Non-member bookings and Event Owners
The Contact and Booking Details for non-members can be added by the Event Owner (usually the person that created the event) or a Group Manager providing at least condition 3 above is met. For anyone else who is not a member of the group, all three conditions above must be met before an event booking is allowed.

This is why when booking on to an event and you are not a group member or are not logged in, you may see a page requesting your contact details.

Some events are always posted as Public. For example an annual celebration at a local venue, in which case the event will generally have been posted as a reminder to group members. In these cases, there will be no booking allowed for the event, but all the the other details such as the title, description, location, date and time etc will be included.

Events Bulletin
The Events Bulletin is an easy way of creating a e-mail or paper edition of your events. The selection can be on a range of dates with the option to set the output font family and size. The webpage content can then either be output to a printer or copied into another document. This is usually done as part of the production of an Events Bulletin for members, especially for those members that do not have web access.

- Booking on an Event
- Events Bulletin

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