MavricXR Administrator Group - ActivityForum Privacy Statement
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ActivityForum Privacy Statement:    MavricXR Administrator Group

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MavricXR Administrator Group Group


MavricXR Administrator Group is a member of the MavricaXR - VR/AR Prototyping network of groups.

ActivityForum Privacy Statement

ActivityForum is committed to safeguarding your privacy online. Please read the following policy to understand how your personal information will be treated. This policy may change from time to time, so please check back periodically.

1. What Personally Identifiable Information Is Collected From You?

ActivityForum collects information in a variety of ways from different parts of the Service. Some information is gathered when you register. During registration, ActivityForum asks for the name of your group and a logon name or email address. While only this information is required to use the Service, the more information that you provide (and the more accurate it is), the better we are able to customize your experience. If you contact ActivityForum, we may keep a record of that correspondence. All other information gathered is optional and is used to publish your member profile for other members of your community to know more about you. This optional information will be protected by the security options selected by your group manager and by yourself. Please note that you can hide all personal information that you optionally enter from all but your group manager.

2. Who Is Collecting The Information?

When you are on ActivityForum and are asked for personal information by ActivityForum, you are sharing that information with ActivityForum alone, unless it is specifically stated otherwise. Please be aware that ActivityForum advertisers or web sites that have links on our site may collect personally identifiable information about you. The information practices of those web sites are not covered by this privacy statement. In addition, group managers and other group members may also be able to access certain information that you provide to them (e.g. your email address and content that you post). ActivityForum is not in a position to monitor or control any particular manager's or group member's use of that content.

3. How Is The Information Used?

ActivityForum's primary goal in collecting personal information is for the management of your group membership.

4. With Whom May The Information Be Shared?

As a general rule, ActivityForum will not disclose any of your personally identifiable information except when we have your permission or under special circumstances, such as when we believe in good faith that the law requires it. ActivityForum may preserve Content and may disclose Content to any third party if required to do so by law or in good faith belief that such preservation or disclosure is necessary to:

Comply with legal process
Enforce the Terms of Service
Respond to claims that any Content violated the rights of third parties
Protect the rights, property, or personal safety of ActivityForum, its members and the public.

5. What Are The Choices Available To You Regarding The Collection & Use Of Your Information?

ActivityForum does not sell or rent user information to anyone.

6. How Can You Access Update Or Delete Your Information?

You may change any or all of your information by editing your personal details recorded in your group(s) (you must log on first).

7. What Security Procedures Are There To Protect The Loss Misuse Of Alteration Of The Information?

Your account information is password protected so that only you have access to this personal information. We recommend that you do not divulge your password to anyone. Remember to log off your computer or close your browser window when you have finished your work to ensure that others cannot access your personal information and correspondence.

Unfortunately, no data transmission over the Internet can be guaranteed to be 100% secure. As a result, while we strive to protect your personal information, ActivityForum cannot ensure or warrant the security of any information you transmit to us or our online services, and you do so at your own risk. Once we receive your transmission, we make our best efforts to ensure its security on our systems.

8. What Else Should I Know About My Privacy?

Please note that whenever you voluntarily disclose personal information online, including in your correspondence within your individual groups, that information can be collected and used by others. In short, if you disclose personal information online that is accessible to others, you may receive unsolicited messages from other parties in return. Ultimately, you are solely responsible for maintaining the secrecy of your passwords and any information about yourself. Please be careful and responsible whenever you are online.

9. Cookies?

Many websites you visit will use cookies in order to improve your user experience by enabling that website to 'remember' you. This will be either for maintaining a login for the duration of your visit (using a 'session cookie'); or for remembering past selections on repeat visits to the site (using a 'persistent cookie').

ActivityForum only uses session cookies. This means the cookies are not retained after your session closes (you close your browser). Persistent cookies are those that are stored on your PC; persistant cookies are not used by this system.
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