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London IVC Group


London IVC is a member of the AIVC network of groups.

Swimming at Queensway

Wednesday 2 Oct 2024
20:00 to 21:00 
Porchester Centre Queensway
W2 5HR       (Map)
United Kingdom  

The training pool at the Porchester Centre is reserved exclusively for IVC from 8pm to 9 pm every Wednesday.  Do not pay at the desk on entry because we have paid for a block booking.  Tell the staff that you are with the IVC Swimming Club and pay our treasurer afterwards.  Please follow any staff guidance on safety.  There are no lane ropes so we have freedom to swim around.  The pool has been beautifully refurbished.  Afterwards we meet at the Leinster Arms, a historic pub in Leinster Terrace.  Royal Oak, Queensway, Bayswater and Paddington stations are nearby.

Contact: Organiser: Bob Wharton ( 07528 198150
How to find us: Find us in the training pool at the Porchester Centre
Event Fee: £8
Book By: No need to book  

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