Welcome to Edinburgh Socialives

Are you looking to improve your social life in Edinburgh? Then you've come to the right place. These pages provide an introduction to who we are and what we do.
What is Socialives?
Edinburgh Socialives is a social and leisure club for people with shared interests. The aim of the club is to provide members with an active and varied social life. It's not just about meeting people who share your interests but also about meeting people who can encourage you to try new things. The club is run by its members who organise various events which are publicised via a monthly programme though off the cuff events can be emailed at any time. Membership is just over £2 a month, collected annually. The average age of members is around 65yrs.
What makes us different from other clubs?
Edinburgh Socialives is a non profit-making organisation, run by members, for members. We are one of 47 such clubs around Britain, all members of a national association, the AIVC, which is independent of all other organisations and is not linked with any political or religious bodies. Membership of a local groups such as ours provides opportunities to meet and socialise with the other groups within the AIVC.
What's the age range of the club?
The membership of Edinburgh IVC is generally aged between 50 and 78, but everyone is welcome regardless of age.
More questions?
Follow the links for more information. If you like what you read, you can you can apply for a trial membership - it's free for two months while you decide if you like us.